Paid surveys are a great way to make some extra money. However, don't get caught in the trap of thinking this is how you're going to make your fortune. You can supplement your income with a few extra hundred a month. That's an electric bill or savings towards that vacation you never get to take.
This brings me to the first myth:
1. You can get rich doing surveys.
No getting rich, but you can expect to make a few extra hundred dollars in a month.
2. You can cheat your way through the survey system.
Research marketers make sure this doesn't happen when you fill out your profile. As you take your survey, they estimate the amount of time it takes to answer questions. If you just zip through everything, you won't be asked back.
3. You will make thousands of dollars a month doing paid surveys.
This may be true if you never sleep. Even then, the chances that you find that many surveys in one given month are rare. Let's say you only take the higher paid surveys at about $2-$10 a survey. These usually take anywhere from 5-25 minutes to take. Do you have that much time to turn it into a couple thousand dollars in a month?
4. You can make up to $175 an hour doing a focus group.
Okay, this isn't totally a myth. You will be paid that much if you qualify for the focus group, but you have to meet certain demographics. If you do qualify for these, don't expect to get a full day's work of these. The chances that you get asked to do more than one in a month are rare. If you do, consider it a nice surprise.
I'm not trying to burst any bubbles. Actually, I love taking paid surveys. It also helps me get a better grasp on what I might do if I decide to branch out on my own in marketing. Paid surveys are a great way to make some extra money, too.
If you would like to learn more on paid surveys and how you can make money with them download this free report called "“Earning an Income with Paid Surveys”
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