Interested in knowing how to do this? Take a look at these four tips, and you'll be well on your way.
Tip 1: Choose the Right Topic
If you write about a topic that very few people want to read about, then you're not going to make money. If you write about a topic that people aren't willing to spend money on, then you're not going to make money. You have to write about something that people spend money on, and you're going to have to get search engine traffic to your posts.
Figuring out what people spend money on is relatively easy. You can just pay attention to the ads on big, popular sites. Weight loss, travel, insurance, health, health foods...those sorts of things are topics that people spend literally billions on each year.
If you're not sure your topic is a money maker, just type your main keyword phrase into Google, and see how many ads pop up. If advertisers are advertising for that keyword phrase, you can bet it's a money maker.
To make sure you get plenty of traffic to your site, write your posts based on keyword phrases that actually get plenty of searches. 5,000 per month is about what you should be looking for. Make sure you optimize your post for that particular keyword phrase.
Tip 2: Stick to High Paying Niches
You're going to make money through Google AdSense, CPA offers, and affiliate offers. Make sure you go for the high payout niches. After all, if you're going to do all this work, you might as well get paid for it.
Tip 3: Create Multiple Streams of Income
Don't just rely on one source of income from your blog. Once you establish traffic, monetize it in various ways. AdSense, CPA offers, paid ads, paid posts if appropriate, all of these can substantially add to your bottom line.
Tip 4: Be patient.
This is not get rich quick. This is build a lasting asset slowly. Blogs build a following and also build in the search rankings slowly. The best part of this is once a certain page on your blog is ranking well for a certain keyword term, you don't have to work on that page as much. You can shift your attention to other pages or other blogs.
If you'd like to have your own blog but don't know how to set one up then get these free videos that show you exactly how to set up a blog on the 2 most popular blogging platforms - Blogger and Wordpress.
Get Your Free Videos By Clicking Here: The Make Money Videos - Blogging
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