A large part of the magic of the Internet is its interconnectedness. Like billiard balls all crashing around the pool table just after someone's broken, Internet surfers are bopping all around the Internet from site to site in search of...whatever they're in search of. Imagine if you could harness part of this organized chaos? How much money could you make then?
You can do this, by the way.
Darren Rowse of Problogger.net is a multiple six figure blogger who has done just this, harnessed the organized chaos of the Internet to create quite a nice income for himself.
One way that Darren has done this is through creating blog networks.
What's a blog network? Well, think about it like this.
Let's take a subject you're interested in. Create a blog and get it up and running. Now, once you get traffic to that, you can create another blog, then another, then another. This becomes kind of a logistical nightmare, and unless you outsource some of the writing, you're going to be typing twelve hours a day, but these problems are just details.
The issue is that once you get all these blogs created, you link them all together into your own blog spider web. Let's say someone comes to your jewelry making blog, they see your links in your sidebar and read about all of the other blogs in your network. They see a blog about movie reviews. Well, they really didn't want to buy jewelry, but they are interested in downloading a new movie. So, they click over to your movie review blog and bingo! You've made money whereas before you would have lost the visitor to someone else.
If you'd like to have your own blog but don't know how to set one up then get these free videos that show you exactly how to set up a blog on the 2 most popular blogging platforms - Blogger and Wordpress. Get Your Free Videos Here:The Make Money Videos - Blogging
If you would like to learn more about the Blogging To The Bank check out my full review where I highlight the good and the bad points of this product. Click Here for my free review --> Blogging To The Bank Review
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