There are a number of reasons for this, but the main one is that the blogger gets discouraged. Why do blogging newbies get so discouraged so fast? Well, there are probably several reasons, but one of the big ones is that they never really get any traction with their blog.
The set up the blog, write a few posts, and then....nothing, nada, zilch.
The Internet is no longer a "build it and they will come" medium. It's a "you better learn how to make traffic" medium. And it's the lack of traffic that kills most blogs.
So, the big question do you create traffic for your new blog? Fortunately, there are a number of great answers. We're going to explore one of the best in this article-combining web 2.0 platforms like Squidoo and your blog. It's a very, very explosive combination. One that, if used right, is likely to send your blog traffic (and your income from your blog) straight up into the stratosphere!
Let's learn how to do this.
What is Squidoo?
Squidoo is basically a free website platform. But in reality it's much more than that. Squidoo websites are called "lenses". And Google just loves Squidoo lenses. If you write your lens correctly, it's not all that hard to rank it in the top of even very competitive Google searches.
Here is an example of what a Squidoo Lens looks like: Ways To Make Money On The Internet
How's that going to help your blog?
One of the main factors that Google uses to rank search results is the number and quality of links from outside a given website to the page in question. Links are like votes. The more votes the better. Links are also like a popularity contest, in that not only does the number of links matter, but who you're linking from matters.
As far as Google is concerned, Squidoo is tops. So, a link from Squidoo to your page that you want to rank is seen as a quality link.
You can easily create Squidoo lenses all day long. Once you get the swing of it, a good one doesn't take but about five to ten minutes to whip out. In an hour, you could create six links to your webpage. Social bookmark these and give Google a day or two to catch up, and you should see your webpage rank higher and higher in the search results.
If you'd like to have your own blog but don't know how to set one up then get these free videos that show you exactly how to set up a blog on the 2 most popular blogging platforms - Blogger and Wordpress. Get Your Free Videos Here:The Make Money Videos - Blogging
If you would like to learn more about the Blogging To The Bank check out my full review where I highlight the good and the bad points of this product. Click Here for my free review --> Blogging To The Bank Review
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