Saturday, July 4, 2009

Make Money with MySpace

There is no better word than "free". We all love that word and it is hard to resit things that are free. Now if you can follow up that word with "money" then you have, probably the best 2 word combo in the world. There is nothing better than getting free money. The cool thing is you can get free money online.

This article is going to show you a way to do just that - make money online for free. You can do this using some of the most powerful websites online today for free.

Have you ever used MySpace or at least visited MySpace? If not then you have left good money at the table without even knowing it. MySpace and Facebook are sites know as Social Network Websites and have become the best free money making opportunities today.

The key to success on MySpace and Facebook, as well as any other social website is relevancy. You don't want to go off and plaster your Facebook profile or MySpace site with blatant ads. This will upset your visitors and probably result in a loss of sales.

All you need to do is find groups of people that are looking for information on your product or business. You can use the search features on these sites to find these groups - it is that easy. Once you find them participate in the groups discussions with high quality information.

As time goes by you can start offering your product or business as a solution to their problems. With more participation in the group you will start to be seen as an expert and people will trust you as an authority on the topic.

If you can't find a group on these sites that would be relevant to your product or business then either decide if your product even has a market and you should move onto another product. Or, start a group of your own and hope that others will find you.

Remember, if you are willing to build trust with people by helping them with their problems you will have their attention. When people trust you, they are listening what you have to say, and when they trust and listen they buy what you recommend to them.

Just to be clear, MySpace and Facebook are not advertising sites. People do not join them to be sold to. You want to use these sites for what they are; being social with others. Blatantly selling your products on these sites will get you labeled as a spammer very quickly.

All you need to be is honest and helpful. Find groups or people who have a problem or issue and help them solve it without selling. Over time those that you help will tell others about you and before you know it you will be an "expert" on the problem. And experts are expected to provide products that can solve an issue. If you master this you will be making money for free online in no time.

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